
Salomé Gorel

PhD student

Phone: +33 (0)6 38 10 32 84

PhD topic

Think and develop a contractual model for valuing environmental services linked to forest biodiversity

The aim of this research is to analyse the legal responses to the problem of the necessary valuation of forest ecosystem and environmental services linked to forest biodiversity in view of the environmental and climatic issues involved. Since biodiversity is at the heart of the stability and resilience of ecosystems, the sources of ecosystem services, economic and legal valuation would echo the multifunctional vision of the forest promoted by French, European and international public policies. It is a question of thinking legally and economically about silvicultural management models with this new entry point, in order to enhance the value of the work of silviculturists, forest owners and managers, in a context where there is little economic incentive to preserve forest biodiversity.

Directors :

  • Pierre Dupraz, INRAE, UMR 1302 SMART-LERECO, 35000 Rennes, France
  • Alexandra Langlais, UMR 6262 IODE, 35000 Rennes, France

Research topics

  • Economie de l’environnement
  • Analyse et modélisation des paiements pour services environnementaux

Selected recent publications

Work in progress

See also

Salomé Gorel's publications in HAL