
Pierre Dupraz

Senior Researcher

Phone : +33 (0)2 23 48 56 06

Research topics

  • Farmers’ economic behaviour and production jointness
  • Agricultural, Climate and Environmental Policies and progress towards Agro-Ecology
  • Analysis and modeling of payments for environmental services

Selected recent publication

  • Le Gloux, F., & Dupraz, P. (2024).
    "Upscaling environmental incentives in the Common Agricultural Policy: an ex-ante evaluation method applied with the Farm Accountancy Data Network."
    Bio-based and Applied Economics (Online, Jan. 12).
  • Le Gloux, F., Ropars-Collet, C., Issanchou, A., & Dupraz, P. (2024).
    "Payments for environmental services with ecological thresholds: farmers’ preferences for a sponsorship bonus."
    Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-28. 
  • Le Gloux, F., Duvaleix, S., & Dupraz, P. (2023).
    "Taking the diet of cows into consideration in designing payments to reduce enteric methane emissions on dairy farms."
    Journal of Dairy Science, 106(10), 6961-6985.
  • Guyomard, H., Détang-Dessendre, C., Dupraz, P., Delaby, L., Huyghe, C., Peyraud, J. L., ... & Sirami, C. (2023).
    "How the Green Architecture of the 2023–2027 Common Agricultural Policy could have been greener."
    Ambio, 52(8), 1327-1338.

Work in progress

  • Research:
    • Letort E., Le Gloux F., Dupraz P. "How can labeling for health concerns improve environmental public good provisioning?". Working Paper SMART n°23-01, 25 p.
    • Letort E., Dupraz P. "Animal feed as a lever to reduce methane emissions: a micro-econometric approach applied to French dairy farms". Working Paper SMART n°23-03, 32 p.
  • Scientific and partnership animation:
  • Expertise and support for public decision:
    • Common agricultural policy (CAP): support for the evaluation of rural development measures (RDR): Support for the definition of the National Strategic Plan (PSN)
    • Support for the development of payments for environmental services.

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See also

Pierre Dupraz's publications in Hal

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