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Vincent Chatellier was interviewed on France Inter's 8:00 news on February 25.

On 27 February 2025, Laurent Piet took part in the 10th Observatory on Food Prices and Margins (OFPM) Talks at the Paris International Agricultural Fair.


Vincent Chatellier was interviewed in an article in the magazine ‘Alternatives économiques’ published on 25 February 2025.

Vincent Chatellier was interviewed in an article in the Moroccan magazine ‘Médias 24’ published on 14 January 2025.

On 5 February 2025, Vincent Chatellier spoke in Paris at the Académie d'Agriculture de France conference entitled ‘The state of agriculture in 2025: climate change and competitiveness’.

Vincent Chatellier spoke at the Animal health conference in Paris on 30 January 2025.

Vincent Chatellier was interviewed in an article in the magazine ‘Réussir - Grandes cultures’ published on 22 January 2025.

Vincent Chatellier was interviewed in an article in the magazine “Filières avicoles” published on January 20, 2025.

SMART is participating in the new Franco-German Pareto (Producer And RETailer markets Organization) project funded by the French National Research Agency.

This Wednesday, 11 December 2024, in its 7 a.m. news program, France Culture analyzes the results of a research note on the pros and cons of introducing price floors in the agri-food sector.

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