
Mathilde Fromage

PhD student

Phone: +33 (0)2 23 48 56 04

PhD topic

Prospective study of the effects of climate change on the French agricultural land market

This thesis will study the effects of climate change on the French agricultural land market, and the capacity of the land system to adapt to these evolutions. On the one hand, it will quantify the possible transformations in the structure and functioning of the agricultural land market induced by changes in land use and the various "climate shocks", and the possible consequences on the structures of French farms. On the other hand, a qualitative approach will allow us to confront the current land tenure system with the prospective results obtained and to assess its capacity to adapt to market changes and to ensure an optimal distribution of land resource use rights with respect to future societal and environmental issues.

Research topics

  • Natural resources economics
  • Agricultural land market and land regulation
  • Public policies and agricultural structures

Selected recent publications

  • Léger-Bosch C., Fromage M. (2021)
    "Une lecture des nouvelles relations propriété-usage par les arrangements institutionnels et le bouquet de droits".
    14e Journées de recherche en Sciences Sociale, 7 et 8 avril 2021
  • Léger-Bosch C., Fromage M. (2021)
    "Donne accès à la terre en échange de bien public : Caractériser la diversité des arrangements fonciers hybrides".
    Post-Print hal-03199378, HAL.
  • Fromage M. (2020)
    "Attentes sociétales et nouvelles formes de relations propriété-usage du foncier agricole".
    Mémoire de fin d’étude, master 2 spécialisation "Politiques et Marché de l’Agriculture et des Ressources", Institut Agro - Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes.

Work in progress

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See also

Mathilde Fromage's publications in HAL

Modification date: 24 February 2023 | Publication date: 10 September 2021 | By: SMART-LERECO