
Sterenn Lucas


Phone: + 33 (0)2 23 48 54 19


Reasearch Topics

  • Consumer behaviors
  • Microeconomics
  • Environmental economics

Selected recent publications

  • Drouineau H., Moullec F., Gascuel D., Laloë F., Lucas S., Bez N., Guillotreau P., Guitton J., Hernvann P.-Y., Huret M., Lehuta S., Léopold M., Mahévas S., Robert M., Woillez M., Vermard Y. (2023).
    "Food for thought from French scientists for a revised EU Common Fisheries Policy to protect marine ecosystems and enhance fisheries performance".
    Marine Policy, 2023, 148, pp.105460.
  • Heutte K., Daures F., Lucas S., Girard S., Alban, F., Le Floc’h P. (2023).
    "FAPs consumption trends and Covid-19 crisis in France: When consumer do not priorities sustainability issues.".
    Aquatic Living Resources (Accepted)
  • Drouineau H., Moullec F., Gascuel D., Laloë F., Lucas S., Bez N., Guillotreau P., Guitton J., Hernvann P.-Y., Huret M., Lehuta S., Léopold M., Mahévas S., Robert M., Woillez M., Vermard Y. (2023).
    "Food for thought from French scientists for a revised EU Common Fisheries Policy to protect marine ecosystems and enhance fisheries performance".
    Marine Policy, 2023, 148, pp.105460.
  • Le Boennec R., Lucas S. (2021).
    "Is neighborhood satisfaction related to density perception? Promoting livable and sustainable land use planning".
    Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. Forthcoming.
  • Lucas S., Soler L.G., Irz X., Gascuel D., Aubin J. et Cloâtre T. (2021).
    "The environmental impact of consumption of fisheries and aquaculture products in France".
     Journal of Cleaner Production 229, 126718.
  • Menozzi D., Nguyen T., Sogari G., Taskov D., Lucas S., Santiago Castro-Rial J.L. et Mora C. (2020).
    "Consumers’ preferences and willingness to pay for fish products with health and environmental labels: Evidence from five European countries".
    Nutrients 12(9), 2650.

Work in progress

  • Covid-19-Norway (2020-2022): The Coronavirus Crisis: Development of Capabilities on Measuring and Managing Its Effects in the Norwegian Service and Food Industries, financé par le Conseil Norvégien de la recherche.
  • COPECO (2021-2023): Impact de la crise covid sur la filière des produits de la mer française, financé par l'Ifremer.
  • PRIMEFISH (2015-2019) Horizon 2020 EU project on the economic sustainability and competitiveness of European fisheries and aquaculture sectors, Project Coordination: Matís Ltd.
  • BALANCE (2019-2021): Norwegian Aquaculture – in the span between domestic social responsibility and international market demands, financed by Norvegian Research Council
  • SILAC (2018-2020): Project on silurid fishes in Savoy, financed by the Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
  • LAMPECO (2018-2020): Project on the Lamprey sector in Loire-Atlantique Département (FR), financed by the SMIDAP.
  • LIFT (2018-2022) Horizon 2020 EU project on « Low-Input Farming and Territories – Integrating knowledge for improving ecosystem-based farming », Project Coordination: INRA.

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See also

Sterenn Lucas' publications in HAL

Modification date: 23 May 2023 | Publication date: 22 May 2012 | By: webmaster