
Alexandre Gohin

Senior Researcher

Phone: +33 (0)2 23 48 54 06

Research topics

  • Risk analysis in agriculture
  • Agricultural market and policy modelling
  • Computable general equilibrium models

Selacted recent publications

  • Gohin A. (2019).
    "General Equilibrium Modelling of the Insurance Industry: U.S. Crop Insurance."
    Journal of Global Economic Analysis, 4(2): 108-145.
  • Gohin A. (2020).
    "The Land Use Impacts of the EU Biodiesel Policy : Assessing the Direct, Indirect and Induced Effects."
    Journal of Agricultural Economics, 71(2) : 305-329
  • Guyomard H., Détang-Dessendre C., Dupraz P., Gohin A., Requillart V., Soler L.G., Chatellier V., Brennetot C., Dedieu B., Delaby L., Pellerin S., Peyraud J.L., Schmitt B.. (2020).
    "La PAC de l’après 2020 : éclairages de la recherche."
    Economie rurale, 372
  • Davoudkhani M., Mahe F., Dourmad J.Y.,Gohin A.,Darrigrand E., Garcia-Launay F. (2020).
    "Economic optimization of feeding and shipping strategies in pig-fattening using an individual-based model." Agricultural Systems
  • Gohin A., Zheng Y. (2020).
    "Reforming the European Common Agricultural Policy: From price & income support to risk management."
     Journal of Policy Modelling, 42(3) : 712-727
  • Bareille F., Gohin A. (2020).
    "Simulating the market and environmental impacts of French pesticide policies: a macroeconomic assessment."
    Annales of Economics and Statistics

Work in progress

  • Osseni A., Gohin A., Rault A. Optimal Design of Biosecurity Actions with Heterogeneous Farmers
  • Bagnarosa G., Cordier J, Gohin A. Understanding the European Futures Markets on Dairy Products : a Multi-Product Perspective.
  • Gohin A., Zheng Y. Estimating nonlinear dynamic stochastic decision models: A Generalised Maximum Entropy Approach
  • Carpentier A., Gohin A. On the economic theory of crop rotations: Value of the crop rotation effects and implications on acreage choice modelling

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See also

Alexandre Gohin's publications in HAL

Modification date: 24 February 2023 | Publication date: 15 February 2012 | By: SMART