
Fabienne Féménia


Phone: +33 (0)2 23 48 56 10

Research topics :

  • Micro economics of agricultural production
  • Crop production choices
  • Applied micro-econometrics

Selected recent publications :

  • Letort, E., Femenia, F., (2024).
    "Identifying heterogeneous flexibility of dairy farms using a panel smooth transition regression approach".
    European Review of Agricultural Economics, 51(1), 185-213.
  • Femenia, F., Latruffe, L., Chavas, J. P. (2021).
    "Responsiveness of farm investment to price changes: evidence from the French crop sector".
    Applied Economics, 53(34), 3972–3983.
  • Koutchadé, O.P., Carpentier, A., Femenia, F. (2021).
    "Modeling corners, kinks, and jumps in crop acreage choices: impacts of the EU support to protein crops".
    American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 103(4), 1502-1524.
  • Koutchadé, O.P., Carpentier, A., Femenia, F. (2018).
    "Modeling heterogeneous farm responses to European Union biofuel support with a random parameter multicrop model".
    American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 100(2), 434-455.
  • Femenia, F. Letort, E. (2016).
    "How to significantly reduce pesticide use : An empirical evaluation of the impacts of pesticide taxation associated with a change in cropping practice".
    Ecological Economics, 125, 27-37.
  •  Femenia, F. (2015).
    "The effects of direct storage subsidies under limited rationalit : a general equilibrium analysis".
    Agricultural Economics, 46 (6), 715-728.

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Fabienne Féménia 's publications in HAL

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