
Vincent Deschamps

PhD student

PhD topic

Sustainable transition in the fishing industry. What transitions are needed to improve the sustainability of the French fishing industry? Implications and prospects for the sector.

This thesis project proposes to carry out a systemic diagnosis - institutional, organisational, ecological and social - of the French fishing industry, from fishing fleets to consumers, in order to complete our understanding of distribution channels and to propose co-evolution scenarios for the fishing industry that will make it possible to link supply and demand, maximising the creation of socio-economic value while following a sustainable trajectory. The aim is to identify ways in which the fishing industry can embark on a sustainable transition while guaranteeing the accessibility of seafood products. The way public policy tools can support and facilitate these transitions will also be assessed.


  • Harold LEVREL AgroParisTech, UMR 8568 CIRED, 94000 Nogent-sur-Marne
  • Sterenn LUCAS L'Institut Agro Rennes-Angers, UMR 1302 SMART, 35000 Rennes, France

Partner organization, CIFRE thesis:

  • BLOOM Association

Research topics

  • Environmental economics

Selected recent publications

Work in progress

See also

Vincent Deschamps's publications in HAL