
Noélie Borghino

PhD student


PhD topic

Would organic farming expansion and reduced animal production in Europe be compatible? A global analysis based on nitrogen cycle, land use changes and GHG emissions.

This PhD work seeks to explore to which extent the scaling up of organic agriculture in Europe and changes in human food consumption towards plant-based diets, are compatible - in particular with regards to the effect of the reduction of livestock numbers on the supply of nitrogen in the form of manure - and to assess how the combination of these two levers may affect global land use and related GHG emissions. The thesis work is based on scenario modelling via the combination of two models simulating respectively biomass, nitrogen and carbon flows in organic systems (GOANIM model), and resource-use balances of agricultural products, international trade and land use change (GlobAgri model). The thesis is part of the ClinOrg (CLImate Neutral ORGanic farming) project.

  • Supervisors:
    • Thomas Nesme, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, UMR ISPA, 33175 Bordeaux, France
    • Chantal Le Mouël, INRAE, UMR SMART, 35000 Rennes, France

Research topics

Selected recent publications

Work in progress

See also

Noélie Borghino's publications in HAL

Modification date: 24 February 2023 | Publication date: 28 April 2022 | By: SMART