Ben Jaballah

Maha Ben Jaballah

PhD student


PhD topic

Environmental performance and choice of investment in digital tools on farms

An abundant supply of digital equipment intended for the agricultural sector combined with a political will and sectors to support an ecological transition is leading farmers, to reflect on their strategies for acquiring these technologies, to better manage their farms and improve their productivity. Beyond these economic issues, the impact of these tools on environmental performance has not been established. This thesis has two objectives: i) to assess the effects of the use of digital tools on farm performance. ii) Understand the place of the environment in the decisions of the farmer, in particular with regard to investments in digital tools. Are investments in digital tools part of a management strategy for a sustainable agricultural system or rather, as some people suggest, are they a continuation of a conventional system?

Supervisors :

  • Karine Daniel: ESA, UR LARESS, 49000, Angers, France
  • Aude Ridier: L'Insitut agro Rennes-Anges, UMR SMART, 35000 Rennes, France

Co-supervisors :

  • Mohamed Ghali: ESA, UR LARESS, 49000, Angers, France
  • Georgios Kleftodimos: Institut agronomique méditerranéen de Montpellier, 34000 Montpellier, France

Research topics

  • Economic and environmental assessment of innovative agricultural practices and farms
  • Public policies and territorial development
  • Microeconomics and farm modeling

Selected recent publications

Work in progress

Modification date: 24 February 2023 | Publication date: 21 January 2022 | By: SMART