
Marjorie Tendero

Assistant Professor

Tél : + 33 (0)2 52 09 40 19

Research Topics

  • Environmental economics
  • Economic geography
  • Participatory evaluation and multicriteria decision aid

Selected recent publications

  • Tendero, M., & Guyot Phung, C. (2019).
    "The revival of urban agriculture: an opportunity for the composting stream. Field Actions Science Reports".
    The journal of field actions, (Special Issue 20), 40-51. Xxx
  • Tendero, M., & Plottu, B. (2019).
    "A participatory decision support system for contaminated brownfield redevelopment: a case study from France".
    Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-25.
  • Tendero, M., Plottu, B., Bechet, B., Le Guern, C., Jean-Soro, L., & Chemin, H. (2019).
    "Perceptions et usages: le cas des jardiniers urbains".
    In Les risques environnementaux, coordinated by S. Bretesché, C. Harpet and S. OIllitrault, Presses des Mines.
  • Tendero, M. (2018).
    "Reconversion et aménagement durable des friches urbaines polluées-Élaboration d'une méthode participative d'aide multicritère à la décision".
    Thèse de doctorat en sciences économiques.
  • Plottu, B., & Tendero, M. (2017).
    "Acceptabilité des choix d’aménagements des friches urbaines polluées".
    Revue d’Economie Régionale Urbaine, (2), 335-356.
  • Tendero, M., & Plottu, B. (2016).
    "Perceptions et acceptabilité sociale de la phytoremédiation".
    Bulletin de veille scientifique Santé Environnement Travail de l'ANSES, (28), 92-94.

Work in progress

  • Into the wild: social representations regarding soil contaminated brownfields in France. With Cécile Bazart
  • Let it grow? Social representations of nature. The case of contaminated brownfield sites. With Cécile Bazart
  • I can’t get satisfaction Contaminated brownfield management perceptions and attitudes in France With Cécile Bazart
  • Green is the new brown: examining individuals' preferences for brownfield redevelopment projects using a discrete choice experiment. With Cécile Bazart and Thierry Blayac
  • Soil of anarchy. A brief comparison of regulations regarding soil contaminated sites in Europe. With Antonella Forganni

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See also

Marjorie Tendero 's publications in HAL