
Christoph Heinzel


Phone: +33 (0)2 23 48 70 63

Research topics

  • Structural elicitation of preferences underpinning precautionary behavior
  • Public policies under uncertainty and retarded resolution of uncertainty
  • Socially efficient valuation of very long-term investments and of multivariate contexts

Selected recent publications

  • Heinzel, C. and Bostian, A.A. (2018).
    "Comparative Precautionary Saving under Higher-Order Risk and Recursive Utility".
    Geneva Risk and Insurance Review 43(1): 95-114.
  • Bougherara, D., Brunette, M., Heinzel, C., Ibanez, L., Muller, L., and Teyssier, S. (2017).
    "Expériences économiques en économie agricole : État des lieux et dynamiques de recherche" (Experimental Economics Applied to Agricultural Issues: Taking Stock and Research Perspectives).
    Économie rurale 362: 29-48.
  • Heinzel, C. (2013).
    "Schumpeter and Georgescu-Roegen on the Foundations of an Evolutionary Analysis"
    Cambridge Journal of Economics 37(2): 251-271.
  • Heinzel, C. and Winkler, R. (2011). 
    "Distorted Time Preferences and Time-to-Build in the Transition to a Low-Carbon Energy Industry.
    Environmental and Resource Economics 49(2): 217-241.
  • Heinzel, C. and Winkler, T. (2011).
    "Economic Functioning and Politically-Pragmatic Justification of Tradable Green Certificates in Poland"
    Environmental Economics and Policy Studies 13(2): 157-175.

 Work in progress

  • "Precautionary Motives with Multiple Instruments" (with Richard Peter)
  • "Robustness of Inferences in Risk and Time Experiments to Lifecycle Asset Integration" (with AJ Bostian)
  • "Comparing Utility Premia under Additive and Multiplicative Risks"
  • "Identifying Consumption Smoothing and Precautionary Saving from Experimental Variation" (with AJ Bostian)
  • "Prudential Saving: Evidence from a Laboratory Experiment" (with AJ Bostian)
  • "Regulating Spatial Environmental Externalities under Uncertainty" (with Arnaud Reynaud)

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See also

Christoph Heinzel's publications in HAL

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Modification date: 12 January 2022 | Publication date: 08 March 2012 | By: SMART